Monday 13 April 2015

Resale Rights - Everyting you to know about Resale Rights


Understanding resale rights doesn't have to be a difficult process. Once you grasp the basic concept, deciphering all the internet marketing 'mumbo jumbo' will be a snap!

See, everyone has a 'different' definition of what type of resale rights they offer you with their product, which is where the difficulty comes into play.

This guide was written with the beginner in mind, but it can be beneficial to those more experienced in the reselling field too :-) It is a 'bare bones' sort of informational product to educate you on the importance of understanding resale rights, and how that knowledge can benefit you in the long run. As we all know, knowledge is power. And this is monumentally so with regards to starting up an online business. So, if you're running a website that sells digital information products, or are thinking about starting one, this guide will come in very handy.

Of course, this guide will not be all things to all people, and it isn't intended to be. That would be an impossible task for anyone to achieve!

But the hope is that you come away with a better idea of what resale rights are, how to distinguish between all the varieties of them, and how you can use them to maximize your earning potential.

If you want to delve even deeper into the explanation of resale rights and what they can do for you, I would highly recommend that you check out John Delavera's All Rights Explained ebook. It is jam-packed full of easy to read and comprehend extensive information on the subject that goes way beyond the 'bare bones'.

Can you tell I love John's stuff? :-)

He's one heck of a fantastic writer, not to mention internet marketer. John knows his stuff. And dare I say, he will get you motivated to achieve your maximum potential locked away inside you.

But, I digress. . . .

Let's begin learning the basics of what resale rights are, shall we?


So many people that are new to internet product selling have this question. But the answer is practically the same no matter who you ask. This answer is true across the board, whether you're selling digital products, or physical ones.

Just what are resale rights then?

The straight answer is this:

Resale Rights are special permissions granted to you, the 'reseller', from the author, or originator of the product, that entitle you to purchase their product and in turn resell it to others that may be interested in purchasing it directly from you, earning you 100% of all profits that come in.

Hence the term resale rights.

Now, not to get too confusing here, but this must be said. The words resale and resell are often times used in conjunction with these types of rights, however, the meaning remains the same. It doesn't matter how you say it. Or spell it for that matter!

From the above explanation, you can begin to see why these rights are so important to those wishing to earn income from the comfort of their homes. And so sought after in such a high demand.

Some internet marketers and or product creators will tell you that offering resale rights in any form will ultimately devalue your product over time. Also believing that doing such a thing as offering resale rights will also completely 'saturate' a specific market creating another profit reducer. While others take a more favorable approach to resale rights.

I believe, for myself, that offering resale rights to your products can make you more money. Plus it can generate even more interest in your product, if it's a quality product. And that is a proven FACT. At least in my case.

However, merely knowing the standard definition of resale, or resell, rights are is just the tip of the iceburg. There is much more you need to know before going out to fill up your resale rights goodie bag.

In this section, we will be discussing 4 main types of resale rights and how they differ. Once you've gotten a firm grip on these, everything else is a 'cake walk'.

It is extremely important that you know the different types of resale rights that there are due to two things:

1.) It will save you money otherwise wasted by purchasing the wrong set of resale rights

and. . .

2.) It will keep you out of reselling disasters, and even potential legal issues with authors/creators down the road

Without further ado, here are the clear cut explanations for each of the four resale rights.

Basic/Standard/Full Resale Rights

No matter how you slice it, these are the standard rights when reselling any type of product. They have been called Basic, Standard, and Full, but their meaning is the same.

So, just what is allowable when you purchase a product that have these rights connected with them?


When you purchase a product that comes with Basic/Standard/Full resale rights, you will be permitted to use the information to educate yourself, and also, to resell the product to others wishing to gain the same knowledge on the subject matter covered.

These types of rights are referred to as 'Non-Transferable'. Which means that while you can resell the product you purchased, those people you sell it to will not have this privilage. It is reserved for you only.

The good thing about having these types of restricted resale rights is that only so many people will have the ability to resell that particular product. Which lessens your competition and helps increase your chance of earing money.

Now, sometimes a Basic/Standard/Full resale rights license can contain more specific rules, or terms, that must be strictly followed. Otherwise you could lose your right to resell it.

I cannot stress how important it is for you to read all documentation that comes with the product(s) you purchase. If you don't, you could be setting yourself up for disaster later on.

Non-Transferable/Transferable Master Resale Rights

A Master Resale Rights license is a bit more tricky. What these resale rights allow you to do, in some cases, is allow you to not only purchase and utilize all the information within the product for yourself, but also, resell it to others. Sounds a lot like Basic Resale Rights, huh?

Ah, but not so my friend!

This is where the Master Resale Rights license picks up the dropped ball from the Basic Rights and runs with it.

When you purchase a product offering master resale rights, not only can you resell the product, but every single person that buys the product from you has this same right. Meaning, they too can resell the product to their own customers just as you did to them.

Except, of course, if you are granted a 'Non-Transferable' master resale rights license. Non-Transferable means just what it says. Rights that are not transferable to anyone else.

Most master resale rights come with a 'Transferable' license, and are also referred to as Full Master Resale Rights, which will allow you to pass on the product in it's entirety, rights and all, to your customers.

This makes the product more profitable.

However, it also allows for more competition by those purchasing this product with master resale rights from you. And in some ways, will eventually devalue the overall worth of the product.

Not to worry though. Many products that offer this type of resale rights have a higher price tag, so this could cut down on the amount of people buying them. On the same note, some come with a very affordable price. Of course those would be the products that will be seen everywhere. The best advice I can give you with regards to a product that offers master resale rights is to buy it fast and then turn around and resell it so you can again, maximize your profiting potential.

Rebranding Rights

Now, this is one of my favorite types of resale rights. And the reason why is very simple.

With a product that offers you the option to 'rebrand' it, it gives you the opportunity to create multiple streams of income. How this is done is from within the product itself.

Inside a product that gives you rebranding rights, you will have an opportunity to take specific portions of content and change them to benefit you. If you have ever read an ebook then you may have seen that they will often times contain a small area letting you know who has distributed the product to you.

This is one of the things that is usually made available for you to change to reflect your own information. And that's a very powerful thing! Firstly, your customers will associate the rebrandible product you are selling to them with you, or your company, creating 'name recognition'. Secondly, you can add a link back to your site, or free newsletter sign up, or an affiliate program you are involved with, which generates free traffic.

A product that offers rebranding rights is a very powerful 'viral marketing' tool!

To go further, there are also usually specific links within the product that lead off to a similar product, or products, that are available for the customer to purchase apart from the product they have already gotten from you. And, these links can be changed so that you will earn the commissions from any and all sales generated from your rebranded product. There are your multiple income streams.

Rebranding rights gives you so much more than the right to resell a product. It gives you a chance to create more income flow by the act of rebranding the specified 'rebrandable areas'.

Private Label Rights

Oh, these are quite a treasure to have! Private label rights have been around for quite sometime, but are having a resurgence at the moment, or at least at the moment of this writing. And for good reason too.

With a product that offers you private label rights, you can practically do anything with it that you want! You set the terms of the resale rights offered, you can put your name as the original creator, and much, much more.

A private label product is a product that is offered to you with the right to take it and cultivate it into your very own creation with little to no restriction beyond selling the private label rights as you receive them from the originator. Even though, sometimes that option is also included!

Because of this diversity, private label rights are at the upper scale of the selling price. They can cost you upwards of $197. But they are worth the cost. Especially if you are someone who is looking to create your own products, but don't have the time or knowledge to do so.

Now, this does not mean that all private label rights are created equal though. Sometimes there are specific 'terms of use' attached to them, so it is always in your best interest to read those specific rules ahead of purchasing. That way, you'll know what you can and cannot do with a private label product. Which any good product author will include for you. ;-)

And so, with all the above information digested, hopefully :-), you should be starting to 'get the picture' on why it's a great idea to offer some form of resale rights to your products.

It is true that by making resale rights, whatever type, available to your customers, you can potentially lose profits in the long run as apposed to not offering any type of resalability.

On the other hand, you could potentially lose interested prospects by not offering any type of rights to your product if the demand for the information you are selling is popular.

Why not do both?!

It's simple enough. Many internet marketers refer to this as an 'upgrade'. And this is how it goes.

You create a product, and we're talking about either a product you've created yourself, or a private label product you have legally purchased, and want to sell it. So, you compile all the information in an easy to read resellable format, such as an ebook.

This version of your product doesn't come with any type of resale rights to the customers who have purchased it. However, from inside the ebook, they can 'upgrade' their product and purchase the right to resell it from you directly.

You profit twice from one product. And, you can set a limit on how many copies will be available to purchase the resale rights to.

Beyond that, no matter who is distributing your ebook, you will be paid directly for anyone that wishes to resell your ebook product. Even after the inital sale.

The point I'm trying to illustrate to you is that by offering resale rights to your products, you have a better chance to earn money than by not offering them.

There are a whole bunch of people out there that are always on the look out for a good resell rights product they can get their hands on. Why shouldn't you be the one selling it to them??


Okay, you've made it this far. Congratulations! There is just one final point to discuss before you head off in search of resale rights.

And that is this. . .

You must be very careful from where and whom you purchase resale rights products. The best place to purchase from would be directly from the author who created it. However, a verified reseller is a great second choice as well. If you need them, here are a few great resources to purchase your resale rights products from:

I would avoid purchasing from auction sites as this is usually not allowable within most resale rights products terms of resale.

One final word on this subject. Be choosy how much money you spend on purchasing resale rights products. Set a limit for yourself and follow it! It's very easy to get carried away when buying things, whether it's resale rights products, or physical ones.

Buy Responsibly :-)

Well, we have finally come to the end. I hope that this guide has given you more insight into the wonderful world of resale rights and gives you the power to decide what type of rights are 'right' for you.

I wish you the very best of luck in whatever endeavors you embark upon my friend.


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