Monday 17 November 2014

How to get Indian Visa Online? Know about Indian Visa

All foreign nationals entering India are required to possess a valid international travel document in the form of a national passport with a valid visa obtained from an Indian Mission or Post abroad.

All Individual visa seekers are requested to apply for the Indian Visa through Online application link , in order to make an application for getting the Indian visa.

The duly signed physical copy of the application form completed in all respect and submitted succesfully, is to be submitted at the concerned Indian Visa Application Center (IVAC) or directly to Indian Mission/ Post, on the scheduled date of interview along with the requisite supporting documents. The instructions for filling the form and scheduling the appointment can be seen at Instructions for Online Visa Application. Important technical information for filling online Indian visa application can be referred at Technical Instructions.

The status of Visa Application can be seen on the link for Visa Enquiry.

The applicants are also requested to visit website of the Indian Mission concerned for detailed information about Indian visa.

Online Visa Application:

All Individual visa seekers are requested to apply for the Indian Visa through online application link. Or can apply by typing the URL: in the address bar of web browser, in order to make an application for getting the Indian visa.

In either case, no hand written application form will be accepted by any of the Indian Mission/ Post, where-ever online Visa facility has been implemented. The application form completed in all respect and submitted succesfully, is to be submitted at the concerned Indian Visa Application Center (IVAC) or directly to Indian Mission/ Post in absence of IVAC, on the scheduled date of interview along with the requisite supporting documents. The instructions for filling the form and scheduling the appointment can be refered at Instructions for Online Visa Application. Important technical information for filling online Indian visa application can be referred at Technical Instructions.

If you have already applied online for Indian Visa online and want to know the status of your application, please follow the link for Visa Enquiry.Further details / description shall be available on the Visa Enquiry page.

Visa Categories

Governement of India issues the following visas: Business Visa, Conference Visa, Diplomatic Visa, Employment Visa, Emergency Visa, Entry Visa, Journalist Visa, Medical Visa, Missionaries Visa, Permit to re-enter within 2 months, Research Visa, Student Visa, Tourist Visa, Transit Visa. Please follow the link for details on Visa Provision and supporting documents.

Visa Processing Time

Upon receipt of the Visa Application through Indian Visa Application Center or directly, the Indian Mission/ Post requires a minimum of three working days to process the case and issue a visa depending upon the nationality and excluding special cases.

Photo Requirements for Indian Visa

Online India Visa Application allows the Applicant to upload a digital photograph of self to complete the online visa application. The digital photograph to be uploaded along with the Visa application should meet the following requirements:

•    Format – JPEG

•    Size – Minimum 10 KB

              – Maximum 300 KB

•    The height and width of the Photo must be equal.

              – The minimum dimensions are 350 pixels (width) x 350 pixels (height).

              – The maximum dimensions are 1000 pixels (width) x 1000 pixels (height).

•    Photo should present Full face, front view, eyes open

•    Center head within frame and present full head from top of hair to bottom of chin

•    Background should be plain light colored or white background

•    No shadows on the face or on the background

•    Without borders
•    Make sure that photo presents full head from top of hair to bottom of chin. Head should measure 1 inch to 1-3/8 inches (25mm to 35mm). Make sure eye height is between 1-1/8 inches to 1-3.

Fee for Indian Visa

The visa fee depends upon the type of applied for and duration of visa. Visa fee is divided into various types depending upon the case viz; Basic fee, special fee, processing fee by out-sourcing agency. During the online registration process, at the end of the process the basic fee shall be displayed. However, this fee shall be indicative only and final fee shall be charged while submitting the application at the respective counters

Fee once received are non refundable even if the visa application is withdrawn, the visa is not granted, or if visa issued is of shorter duration of period than applied for or otherwise issued or returned at a time or on terms and conditions that may vary from those sought by the applicant.

For further information on this, please check with local embassy office or Indian Visa Application center office or websites for information on applicable fee and payment methods.

Foreigners Act

Act title : ACT NO. 31 OF 1946*
Enactment date : [23rd November, 1946.]

THE FOREIGNERS ACT, 1946 ACT NO. 31 OF 1946* [23rd November, 1946.] An Act to confer upon the Central Government certain powers In respect of foreigners. WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the exercise by the Central Government of certain powers in respect of the entry of foreigners into 1[India], their presence therein and their departure therefrom; 1. Short title and extent. (1) This Act may be called the Foreigners Act, 1946. (2) It extends to the whole of 1[India] 2* * *.

2.Definitions. In this Act- 3[(a) "foreigner" means a person who is not a citizen of India;] 4* * * * * * (b) " prescribed " means prescribed by orders made under this Act ; (c) "specified" means specified by direction of a prescribed authority.

3.Power to make orders.(1) The Central Government may by order make provision, either generally or with respect to all foreigners or with respect to any particular foreigner or any prescribed class or description of foreigner, for prohibiting, regulating or restricting the entry of foreigners into 1[India] or their departure therefrom or their presence or continued presence therein. -------------------------------------------------------------------- *

This Act has been extended to- Goa, Daman and Diu with modifications by Reg. 12 of 1962, s. 3 and Sch. Pondicherry with modifications vide Notification No. G.S.R. 1557, dated 24-11-1962, Gazette of India, Part II, Sec. 3 (i), p. 1886. and brought into force in Dadra and Nagar Haveli by Reg. 6 of 1963, s. 2 and Sch. 1. Lakshadweep, Minicoy and Amindivi Island vide Reg. 8 of 1965, s, 3 and Sch. (w.e.f. 1-10-1967). the State of Sikim vide Notification No. G.S.R. 41 (E), date 27-1-1976 (w.e.f. 1-2-1976). 1 Subs. by Act 38 of 1947, s. 2, for "British India". 2 The words "except the State of Hyderabad", ins. by the A.O. 1950), omitted by Act 3 of 1951, s. 3 and Sch. 3 Subs. by Act 11 of 1957. s. 2. For the former clause (w.e.f. 19-1- 1957). 4 Cl. (aa), ins. by the A.O. 1950, omitted by Act 3 of 1951, s. 3 and Sch. 5 For Foreigners Order, 1948, see Gazette of India, 1948, Pt. I, p. 198. 8 (2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, orders made under this section may provide that the foreigner- (a) shall not enter 1[India] or shall enter 1[India] only at such times and by such route and at such port or place and subject to the observance of such conditions on arrival as may be prescribed;

(b) shall not depart from 1[India], or shall depart only at such times and by such route and from such port or place and subject to the observance of such conditions on departure as may be prescribed;(c) shall not remain in 1[India] or in any prescribed area therein ; 2 (cc) shall, If he has been required by order under this section not to remain in India, meet from any resources at his disposal the cost of his removal from India and of his maintenance therein pending such removal;](d) shall remove himself to, and remain in, such area in 1[India] as may be prescribed;(e) shall comply with such conditions as may be prescribed or specified- (i) requiring him to reside in a particular place; (ii) imposing any restrictions on his movements; (iii) requiring him to furnish such proof of his identity and to report such particulars to such authority in such manner and at such time and place as may be prescribed or specified ; (iv) requiring him to allow his photograph and finger impressions to be taken and to furnish specimens of his handwriting and signature to such authority and at such time and place as may be prescribed or specified (v) requiring him to submit himself to such medical examination by such authority and at such time and place as may be prescribed or specified; --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Subs. by Act 38 of 1947, s, 2, for "British India". 2 Ins. by s. 4, ibid. 8A (vi) prohibiting him from association with persons of a prescribed or specified description ; (vii) prohibiting him from engaging in activities of a prescribed or specified description ; (viii) prohibiting him from using or possessing prescribed or specified articles ; (ix) otherwise regulating his conduct in any such particular as may be prescribed or specified ; (f) shall enter into a bond with or without sureties for the due observance of, or as an alternative to the enforcement of, any or all prescribed or specified restrictions or conditions 9 1[(g)] shall be arrested and detained or confined;] and may make provision 2[for any matter which is to be or may be prescribed and] for such incidental and supplementary matters as may, in the opinion of the Central Government, be expedient or necessary for giving effect to this Act. 2[(3) Any authority prescribed in this behalf may with respect to any particular foreigner make orders under clause (e) 2[or clause (f)] of sub-section (2).] 4[3A. Power to exempt citizens of Common-wealth countries and other persons from application of Act in certain cases. (1) The Central Government may, by order, declare that all or any of the provisions of this Act or of any order made thereunder shall not apply, or shall apply only in such circumstances or with such exceptions or modifications or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the order, to or in relation to- (a) the citizen's of any such Commonwealth country as may be so specified; or (b) any other individual foreigner or class or description of foreigner. (2) A copy of every order made tinder this section shall be placed on the table of both Houses of Parliament as soon as may be after it is made.]

4. Persons on parole. 5[(1)] Any foreigner (hereinafter referred to as an internee) in respect of whom there is in force any order made under clause (g) of sub-section (2) of section 3, directing that he be detained or confined, shall be detained or confined in such place and manner and subject to such conditions as to maintenance, discipline and the punishment of offences and breaches of discipline as the Central Government may from time to time by order determine.] (2) Any foreigner (hereinafter referred to as a person on parole) in respect of whom there is in force an order under clause (e) of sub- section (2) of section 3 requiring him to reside at a place set apart for the residence under supervision of a number of foreigners, shall while residing therein be subject to such conditions as to maintain- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ins. by Act 42 of 1962, s. 3. The former brackets, letter and words" (g) shall be, arrested and detained or confined ;" were omitted by Act 11 of 1957, s. 3 (w.e.f. 19-1-1957). 2 Ins. by Act 38 of 1947, s. 4. 3 Subs. by Act 11 of 1957, s. 3, for ", clause (f) or clause (g)" (w.e.f. 19-1- 1957). 4 Ins. by s. 4, ibid. (w.e.f. 19-1-1957). 5 Ins. by Act 42 of 1962, s. 3. The former sub-section (1) was omitted by Act 11 of 1957, s. 5 (w.e.f. 19-1-1957). 10 ance, discipline and the punishment of offences and breaches of dis- cipline as the Central Government may from time to time by order determine. 1[(3) No person shall- (a) knowingly assist an internee or a person on parole to escape from custody or the place set apart for his residence, or knowingly harbour an escaped internee or person on parole, or (b) give an escaped internee or person on parole any assistance with intent thereby to prevent, hinder or interfere with the apprehension of the internee or the person on parole.

(4) The Central Government may, by order, provide for regulating access to, and the conduct of persons in, places in India where internees or persons on parole are detained or restricted, as the case may be, and for prohibiting or regulating the despatch or conveyance from outside such places to or for internees or persons on parole therein of such articles as may be prescribed.]

5.Change of name. (1) No foreigner who was in 2[India] on the date on which this Act came into force shall, while in 2[India] after that date, assume or use or purport to assume or use for any purpose any name other than that by which he was ordinarily known immediately before the said date. (2) Where, after the date on which this Act came into force, any foreigner carries on or purports to carry on (whether alone or in association with any other person) any trade or business under any name or style, other than that under which that trade or business was being carried on immediately before the said date, he shall, for the purposes of sub-section (1), be deemed to be using a name other than that by which he was ordinarily known immediately before the said date. (3) In relation to any foreigner who, not having been in 2[India] on the date on which this Act came into force, thereafter enters 2[India], sub-sections (1) and (2) shall have effect as if for any reference in those sub-sections to the date on which this Act came into force there were substituted a reference to the date on which he first enters 2 [India] thereafter. (4) For the purposes of this section- (a) the expression "name" includes a surname, and ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Subs. by Act 42 of 1962, s. 3, for sub-sections (3) and (4). 2 Subs. by Act 98 of 1947, s. 2, for "British India". 10 (b) a name shall be deemed to be changed if the spelling thereof is altered. (5) Nothing in this section shall apply to the assumption or use- (a) of any name in pursuance of a 1* * * licence or permission granted by the Central Government; or (b) by any married woman, of her husband's name.

6. Obligations of masters of vessels, etc. (1) The master of any vessel landing or embarking at a port in 2[India] passengers coming to or going from that port by sea and the pilot of any aircraft landing or embarking at any place in 2[India] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 The word " Royal omitted by Act 1 1 of 1957, s.

6 (w.e.f. 19-1- 1957). 2 Subs. by Act 38 of 1947, s. 2, for "British India". 11 passengers coming to or going from that place by air, shall furnish to such person and in such manner as may be prescribed a return giving the prescribed particulars with respect to any passengers or members of the crew, who are foreigners. (2) Any District Magistrate and any Commissioner of Police or, where there is no Commissioner of Police, any Superintendent of Police may, for any purpose connected with the enforcement of this Act or any order made thereunder, require the master of any such vessel or the pilot of any such aircraft to furnish such information as may be prescribed in respect of passengers or members of the crew on such vessel or aircraft, as the case may be. (3) Any passenger on such vessel or such aircraft and any member of the crew of such vessel or aircraft shall furnish to the master of the vessel or the pilot of the aircraft, as the case may be, any information required by him for the purpose of furnishing the return referred to in sub-section (1) or for furnishing the information required under sub-section (2). 1[(4)] If any foreigner enters India in contravention of any provision of this Act or any order made thereunder, the prescribed authority may, within two months from the date of such entry, direct the master of the vessel or the pilot of the aircraft on which such entry was effected or the owner or the agent of the owner of such vessel or aircraft, to provide, to the satisfaction of the said authority and otherwise than at the expense of Government, accommodation on a vessel or aircraft for the purpose of removing the said foreigner from India. (5) The master of any vessel or the pilot of any aircraft which is about to carry passengers from a port or place in India to any destination outside India, or the owner or the agent of the owner of any such vessel or aircraft shall, if so directed by the Central Government and on tender of payment therefor at the current rates, provide on the vessel or aircraft accommodation to such port or place outside India, being a port or place at which the vessel or aircraft is due to call, as the Central Government may specify, for any foreigner ordered under section 3 not to remain in India and for his dependents, if any, travelling with him.] 1[(6)] For the purposes of this section- (a) " master of a vessel " and " pilot of any aircraft shall include any person authorised by such master or pilot, as the case may be, to discharge on his behalf any of the duties imposed on him by this section ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Subsections (4) and (5) ins. and the original sub-section (4) renumbered as (6) by Act 38 of 1947, s. 5. 12 (b) passenger "means any person not being a bona-fide member of the crew, travelling or seeking to travel on a vessel or aircraft.

7. Obligation of hotel keepers and others to furnish particulars. (1) It shall be the duty of the keeper of any premises whether furnished or unfurnished where lodging or sleeping accommodation is provided for reward, to submit to such person and in such manner such information in respect of foreigners accommodated in such premises, as may be prescribed. Explanation.- The information referred to in this sub-section may relate to all or any of the foreigners accommodated at such premises and may be required to be submitted periodically or at any specific time or occasion. (2) Every person accommodated in any such premises shall furnish to the keeper thereof a statement containing such particulars as may be required by the keeper for the purpose of furnishing the information referred to in sub-section (1). (3) The keeper of every such premises shall maintain a record of the information furnished by him under sub-section (1) and of the information obtained by him under sub-section (2) and such record shall be maintained in such manner and preserved for such period as may be prescribed, and shall at all times be open to inspection by any police officer or by a person authorised in this behalf by the District Magistrate. 1(4) If in any area prescribed in this behalf the prescribed authority by notice published in such manner as may in the opinion of the authority be best adapted for informing the persons concerned so directs, it shall be the duty of every person

occupying or having under his control any residential premises to submit to such person and in such manner such information in respect of foreigners accommodated in such premises as may be specified ; and the provisions of sub-section (2) shall apply to every person accommodated in any such premises.] 2 [7A. Power to control places frequented by foreigners. (1) The prescribed authority may, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, direct the owner or person having control of any premises used as a restaurant or as a place of public resort or entertainment or as a club and frequented by foreigners- (a) to close such premises either entirely or during specified periods, or ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ins. by Act 38 of 1947, s. 6. 2 Ins. by S. 7, ibid. 13 (b) to use or permit the use of such premises only under such conditions as may be specified, or (c) to refuse admission to such premises either to all foreigners or to any specified foreigner or class of foreigner. (2) A person to whom any direction has been given under sub- section (1) shall not, while such direction remains in force, use or permit to be used any other premises for any of the aforesaid purposes, except with the previous permission in writing of the pres- cribed authority and in accordance with any conditions which that authority may think fit to impose. (3) Any person to whom any direction has been given under sub- section (1) and who is aggrieved thereby may, within thirty days from the date of such direction, appeal to the Central Government ; and the decision of the Central Government in the matter shall be final.]

8. Determination of nationality. (1) When a foreigner is recognised as a national by the law of more than one foreign country or where for any reason it is uncertain what nationality if any is to be, ascribed to a foreigner, that foreigner may be treated as the national of the country with which he appears to the prescribed authority to be most closely connected for the time being in interest or sympathy or if he is of uncertain nationality, of the country with which he was last so connected : Provided that where a foreigner acquired a nationality by birth, he shall, except where the Central Government so directs either generally or in a particular case, be deemed to retain that nationality unless he proves to the satisfaction of the said authority that he has subsequently acquired by naturalization or otherwise some other nationality and still recognized as entitled to protection by the Government of the country whose nationality he has so acquired. (2) A decision as to nationality given under sub-section (1) shall. be final and shall not be called in question in any Court : Provided that the Central Government, either of its own motion or on an application by the foreigner concerned, may revise any such decision.

9.Burden of proof. If in any case not falling under section 8 any question arises with reference to this Act or any order made or direction given thereunder, whether any person is or is not a foreigner or is or is not a foreigner of a particular class- or description the onus of proving that such person is not a foreigner or is not a foreigner of such 14 particular class or description, as the case may be, shall, notwith- standing anything contained in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, lie upon such person.

10. Power to exempt from application of Act. [Power to exempt from application of Act.] Rep. by the Foreigners Laws (Amendment) Act, 1957 (11 of 1957), s. 7 (w.e.f. 19- 1-1957).

11. Power to give effect orders, directions etc. (1) Any authority empowered by or under or in pursuance of the provisions of this Act to give any direction or to exercise any other power, may, in addition to any other action expressly provided for in this Act, take, or cause to be taken such steps and use, or cause to be used, such force as may, in its opinion, be reasonably necessary for securing compliance with such direction or for preventing or rectifying any breach thereof, or for the effective exercise of such power, as the case may be. (2) Any police officer may take such steps and use such force as may, in his opinion, be reasonably necessary for securing compliance with any order made or direction given under or in pursuance of the provisions of this Act or for preventing or rectifying any breach of such order or direction. (3) The power conferred by this section shall be deemed to confer upon any person acting in exercise thereof a right of access to any land or other property whatsoever.

12. Power to delegate authority. Any authority upon which any power to make or give any direction, consent or permission or to do any other act is conferred by this Act or by any order made thereunder may, unless express provision is made to the contrary, in writing authorise, conditionally or otherwise, any authority subordinate to it to exercise such power on its behalf, and thereupon the said subordinate authority shall, subject to such conditions as may be contained in the authorisation, be deemed to be the authority upon which such power is conferred by or under this Act.

13. Attempts to etc., contravene the provisions of this Act, etc. (1) Any person who attempts to contravene, or abets or attempts to abet, or does any act preparatory to, a contravention of, the provisions of this Act or of any order made or direction given thereunder, or fails to comply with any direction given in pursuance of any such order, shall be deemed to have contravened the provisions of this Act. (2) Any person who, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that any other person has contravened the provisions of this Act or of any order made or direction given thereunder, gives that 15 other person any assistance with intent thereby to prevent, hinder or otherwise interfere with his arrest, trial or punishment for the said contravention shall be deemed to have abetted that contravention. (3) The master of any vessel or the pilot of any aircraft, as the case may be, by means of which any foreigner enters or leaves 1[India] in contravention of any order made under, or direction given in pursuance of, section 3 shall, unless he proves that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the said contravention, be deemed to have contravened this Act.

14. Penalties. If any person contravenes the provisions of this Act or of any order made thereunder, or any direction given in pursuance of this Act or such order, he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years and shall also be liable to fine and if such person has entered into a bond in pursuance of clause (f) of subsection (2) of section 3, his bond shall be forfeited, and any person bound thereby shall pay the penalty thereof, or show cause to the satisfaction of the convicting Court why such penalty should not be paid.

15. Protection to persons acting under this Act. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.

16. Application of other laws not barred. The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, the provisions of the Registration of Foreigners Act 1939, (16 of 1939.) the Indian Passport Act, 1920, (34 of 1920.) and of any other enactment for the time being in force.

17. Repeals. [Repeals.] Rep. by the Repealing and Amending Act, 195 (35 of 1950), s. 2 and Sch. I. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Subs. by Act 38 of 1947, s. 2, for "British India".

Visa provision

Sl. No.
Type of Visa
Period for which granted
Entry – Single (S), Multiple (M), Double
Documents required with application
Extendable in India
180 days
15 days
S/ Double
Return/ onward journey ticket
5 years
Documents to prove bonafide purpose (Company’s letter etc.)
1 year/ period of contract
Proof of employment (appointment document), terms and conditions
Period of course/ 5 years
Proof of admission in Indian Institution
Foreigners of Indian Origin
5 years
Proof of being of Indian Origin

Tourist visa up to 5 years may be granted if the foreigner is connected with the tourism trade.
• If visa is for more than 180 days, registration is compulsory within 14 days’ of arrival in India.
• Extension of visa in Delhi - MHA - Director (F)/Deputy Secretary (F), Jaisalmer House, 26 Mansingh Road, New Delhi - 110011.
• VISA TIMINGS-Submission of Application: 09:30 hrs. to 12:00 hrs.
Instructions have been issued whereby Nepalese and Indian citizens, while travelling by air, between the two countries must be in possession of any of the following documents to prove their nationality:
I. Valid national passport ;
II. Valid photo identity card issued by the Government of India / State Government or UT Administration / Election Commission of India ;
III. Emergency certificate issued by the Embassy of India, Kathmandu to Indians and by the Embassy of Nepal in Delhi in respect of Nepalese citizens.
The above arrangement is in operation since 1.10.2000

Important Technical Information for Online Visa application

1.    This site is best viewed in Internet Explorer (Windows) version 6.0 and above.
2.    The applicant must also have Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7.0 or higher installed on your PC in order to download and print the completed application form.
3.    The applicant should use either an Ink-Jet or Laser printer to print the completed Visa Application forms once submitted online.
4.    Once the form is filled and submitted, it is requested to submit the signed physical copy of online application form along with the supporting documents and the passport to the concerned Indian Mission on the scheduled appointment date.

Instructions before filling up the online application form for Indian Visa

A.    Online application form:

•    This application form is meant for those foreigners who are applying for visa from outside India.

•    Each online application form is meant for one person only. Separate application has to be filed for each applicant.

•    Furnish information exactly in the manner asked for in the forms, especially the names, address and date of birth.

•    Applicants are required to verify the application details before submitting the online application. They have an option to save the online application form, in case it is not to be submitted.

•    Once the online application form is submitted by the applicant, then further modifications are not allowed. Hence applicants are requested to check and validate the details before submitting the online application form.

•    Applicants are requested to keep the File Number (generated automatically after the submission of online form) for further communications.

B.    Appointment Scheduling:

•    Applicant can schedule the appointment as per his/ her convenience with the concerned Indian Mission.

•    Each applicant to schedule a separate appointment with the Indian Mission

Process for filling up online application form:

1.1.    Applicant shall access the Visa Application system online through the following link:

1.2.    Applicant visits the above mentioned web link and selects the Indian Mission from where he intends to apply for the Visa from the tab “Select Mission”.

1.3.    Applicant fills the application on-line as per the forms standardized by the Ministry.

1.4.    After filling the form and submitting it, the system shall automatically generate a File number. Applicants are requested to keep this file number for further communications with the concerned Indian Mission.

1.5.    System will automatically ask the Applicant for the following confirmation: “Select ‘Yes’ if the applicant want to seek appointment and make payment online or ‘No’ if the applicant just want to print the submitted application form.”

1.5.1.    If the applicant response is “No”, then it is requested by the applicant to take the print out of the submitted online application form and approach the concerned Indian Mission for submission of the online form along with supporting documents.

1.5.2    If the response from applicant is “yes” then the system automatically takes the link to perform the following:

a.    Selection of Date and Time of appointment at the concerned Indian Mission
b.    Calculation of Visa fee, service charge, VAT etc. as applicable according to the Visa type

1.5.2.    ePayment using service provider’s payment system

1.6.    In case the facility of Appointment Scheduling and e-Payment is not available for the concerned Indian mission, then applicant has to take the printout of the online application form and visit the concerned Indian Mission to submit the same along with supporting documents and make the payment.

* The e-payment facility is not available for all the Indian Missions abroad. Wherever the said facility is not available, it is requested to kindly submit the application submission fees to either the out sourcing agency or to the Mission directly along with the supporting documents.

Some other useful links



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